Caz Makepeace is one-half of the successful y Travel Blog and she's here to explain how her blog has helped her family travel all over the world. We also discuss how she manages to balance a successful business with a full-time travel lifestyle.

In this broadcast, Caz Makepeace and I talk about:
What led Caz’s Australian family to the United States?
How Caz’s travel blog helps her family travel the world
Finding the balance between travel and business
The monetization strategy Caz regrets not doing earlier
How Caz maintains her audience’s trust while doing affiliate marketing
The largest source of Caz's current traffic
How competitive is the travel niche?
The story of how Caz’s travels earned her an invitation to the White House

How to connect with Caz Makepeace online:
Caz's Website

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“I think a lot of people get stuck in growth because they can’t make a decision.” - @yTravelBlog

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