Christopher Hawkins is the host of the $100K Freelancing podcast and he’s helping service providers realize the power of selling to your existing and previous clients instead of focus on bringing in cold leads. He’s written multiple books and will be launching a course around this topic later this year.

I loved this information packed interview so much, I actually had to stop and take notes in the middle of it because I knew I wanted to start implementing Christopher’s advice immediately after our call.

In this broadcast, Christopher Hawkins and I talk about:
Why service providers should focus on getting more work from their existing clients
Christopher s process for creating new opportunities with existing clients
The importance of human interaction in business
The best approach to get your previous clients on the phone
Christopher s tactics for check-in calls with his previous clients
What is soft discovery and how can you utilize it

How to connect with Christopher Hawkins Online:
Christopher’s Website
100K Freelancing Podcast
Get Your Free Copy of Conquering Client Conflict

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If you people who are already sold on you, sell to those people first. – @chris_hawk

If you enjoyed today s podcast, please leave a review on iTunes here. Thanks so much in advance for your support.

The post ITT 108: How to Get More Work from Your Existing Clients with Christopher Hawkins appeared first on Tom Morkes.

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