Philip Morgan is the founder of Philip Morgan Consulting which helps firms generate and close more leads.  They focus on education based content marketing and marketing automation as well as helping their clients with positioning their company in a way that helps them grow market share.

In this broadcast, Philip Morgan and I talk about:

Philip’s background in technology and how he started his own business
The mistakes he says he made in transitioning from an employee to business owner, including:
Not building a strong professional network
Not marketing the business well (and relying on people coming to him)

His advice for building your network, such as:
Thinking about how other people will remember you
Finding communities where people gather and providing them with value

The misconception that some people are just lucky to have good connections
Using the Internet Archive Way Back Machine found at to learn about how different web sites have grown and changed over time
How positioning your company well can help you increase the number of quality leads for your business
Why it is that marketing works better when you have a strong, narrow focus
Why the first step of being focused is to decide what to stop doing and why that focus will help people perceive you as an expert
How having a narrow focus will help you gain experience faster by understanding what creates value for your specific customer base
Why value ought to be the foundation for determining your prices
Philip’s experience using online channels to get more clients.
Some of the pitfalls of using content marketing alone to drive traffic to your site
The benefits of building trust with your leads through teaching

How to find Philip Morgan online:

Other Resources Mentioned:

If you are interested in learning more about positioning Philip recommends you start at

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The post ITT 085: How to Position Your Company for Rapid Growth with Philip Morgan appeared first on Tom Morkes.

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