Building a Tech Startup from the Ground Up.

We all hear variations of the following phrases - ‘you need to work like a madman to be successful’ OR ‘you need to work hard…and then work harder to get what you want’ but what does that really mean? It’s easy to say you should ‘hustle’ but it’s a lot harder to ACTUALLY put in the time and effort to make things happen. Enter John Genovese – a guy who truly exemplifies the word hustle. John is the co-founder of Polite Persistence LLC. a business consulting and growth strategy optimization firm specializing in helping entrepreneurs and business owners find success faster. Their flagship product: the Polite Persistence App, is an email application that is, according to John, “The Fastest and Easiest Way to Send Follow Up Emails, Guaranteed.” In today’s broadcast, we go in depth on why this claim isn’t an exaggeration by showing you how the Polite Persistence App works, how John has bootstrapped his startup from nothing yet has managed to get the attention of hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners even though they have yet to launch the final product, and the step by step process he’s using to do it. Entrepreneurs, business owners and creative looking to sell your work – listen up. The lessons and strategies we talk about apply beyond the scope of Software as a Service businesses to anything you want to sell or promote (from art, to writing, to your own business to a movement of any kind). So take out your pen and paper and get ready to take some notes.

What John Genovese and I talk about:
How John came up with the idea for his tech startup (and why this validated the business model almost instantly)

Why following up with people the RIGHT way is so important for entrepreneurs 

How to connect with people you admire (by giving them an offer they can't refuse)

How John bootstrapped this tech startup with NO coding experience and NO background in UI, design, or engineering

Why John gives away free beta licenses to prospective customers to get them on board (and how this builds his sales funnel)

How John prices his products - and WHY he chose those price points

Everything and anything Lean Startup - this is a big broadcast and we talk through the ENTIRE process, from start, to finish, to ship, of John's software business

Seriously, we probably cover a hundred topics on building a startup from scratch, so check out the episode and learn a little something.

Awesome Quote from John Genovese:
Anything is possible with persistence and passion.  [click to tweet]
Where You can Find John Genovese Online: Polite Persistence Facebook @PolitePersist

Additional Resources and Links

Lean Startup by Eric Ries

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