Are You Ready to Ignite?

Today’s guest is a massively successful podcaster, a U.S. Army veteran, and one of my major inspirations for creating my OWN podcast – John Lee Dumas. John is the Founder and Host of Entrepreneur On Fire, a daily podcast that interviews todays most inspiring and successful Entrepreneurs.  He’s also the author of the hugely successful ebook: Podcast Launch: A Step by Step Podcasting Guide. John is an ex Army Officer who served 8 years in the Army including a tour in Iraq.  When John transitioned out of the military, he worked at some great jobs, but, as he put it, he wasn’t able to find his passion.  And that’s when Entrepreneur On Fire was born. In the past year, John has grown his podcast from 0 to 175,000 unique downloads every month.  For those unfamiliar with podcast metrics, this is an extremely impressive figure, and is a testament to John’s work ethic and creative ingenuity. In today's broadcast, John walks us through the precise steps he took to create a 6-figure business from scratch in a matter of 6 months. For those interested in entrepreneurship, John's lessons here extend beyond podcasting to the greater world of business (i.e. how to identify a niche, how to effectively target and sell to that market, etc).  You can learn a lot from John, so I highly encourage you to check out his podcast and subscribe!

What We Talk About
How John went from no network, no connections and no prior experience in podcasting to one of the most powerful and well known entrepreneurs’ podcast on the planet
How John went from $0.00 to $13,000 a month in 6 months from a simple podcast
How John decides what projects to pursue and which to ignore
How John uses laser focus to create a 6 figure business – but how he’s also subscribes to Pat Flynn’s “Be Everywhere” mantra
Why you need to outsource parts of your business as soon as possible
How John uses YouTube to increase his podcast exposure
How John repurposed his own material to create a massively successful Amazon book
Why you should use the lean startup method for your online business
How to use virtual assistance to leverage time and increase reach and exposure for your brand
How John prioritizes his time to create the biggest impact
Why you need to stop wondering if you can do it and just start

Awesome Quotes from John Lee Dumas:
“Find your focus. Find your niche.  Really niche down to something you want to be known for – that you want to be great at.” “My priority was always to inspire millions and to provide value first and I knew things would follow.”
Where You Can Find John Online:

Entrepreneur On Fire Twitter Facebook

Additional Show Notes:


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