In Brené Browns book Dare to Lead, there are so MANY great nuggets (obvs, because she's brilliant) but the one I want to talk about here is values.  She says we have ultimately two values that we abide by in life, or are the compass for us to help us navigate this winding journey of life.  They may change during the different seasons of life, but ultimately they keep us anchored, grounded, and rooted in who we are and how we lead.

What’s your word of the year?

It was 2016 when I started doing this exercise…little did I know how important it would be to my growth as a mama, business owner and friend.  When I am feeling weak, or scared, or unsure…my word of the year as helped get me grounded to what I want and need.

In this episode I reflect on past words and where I was in my journey and how each year was a theme.

So what’s your word? 
Do you need help figuring it out? 
I got you.  Download my list of words to find yours or spark some creativity in yours.

And what’s my word this year? 
You'll have to listen in!