As brick and mortar business owners we have an awesome responsibility and opportunity every day, but especially now.  As the Holidays approach we can provide top notch service and deliverables the big box stores just can’t.  

In this episode I’ll share why I think 2021 has the potential to be the best Black Friday Event ever.  

I’ll share with you my exact framework for creating an epic Black Friday event that will put a little more jingle in your pocket and finish 2021 strong. 

Grab my free download of the exact template I used to create an extra $5000 in my business last year and how I plan to use it again this year with even more success.  

Grab your download here:

Also, to enroll in my next FREE workshop click the work with me tab at


In 2008, three weeks postpartum, Melissa started her business in her basement while her babies were in the pack and play.  With her passion, resilience and nose down, she created a business that has become "The Highlight of Your Week" for her tribe, her team and her community.  


In 2015 her life shattered when her husband of 15 years walked in the door and asked for divorce.  They had 5 young children at the time ages 11 down to 2yrs. old.  Little did she know at the time, that that one decision would create the foundation to build the life of her dreams.  


Along with running a successful brick and mortar business, Melissa is also a visibility coach for brick and mortar businesses, Melissa guides other boss ladies to a flourishing brick and mortar business that provides for their own tribe - creating a legacy for themselves, their family and their community.  

Melissa is a super mama of five kiddos, enjoys long hikes or playing in her garden.  At the end of the day you can find her snuggling up with a self development book with an ice cold beer. 


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