Y’all, here’s the dirty little secret.  

98% of everything we do has to do with what we tell ourselves. 

That is why I needed to have my guest on the podcast today. 

Meet my business coach Natalie Eckdahl, author of “R.E.S.E.T. Your Mindset - Silence Your Inner Mean Girl” and CEO of Biz Chix Inc. 

After working with Natalie for over a year, I’ve learned to get better at silencing my inner mean girl, as well as niching down my business into a blue ocean (another one of Natalie’s super powers) Because of her strategic brain on my business, I not only had a record year in business, but a new improved self has emerged. 2022 is looking bright!

I am super excited for you to get a taste of what I’ve experienced over the past year.  Grab a pen and paper and get ready to silence that girl faster.  (Natalie acknowledges she never really goes away, we just get better at ignoring her.)  

Like the episode?  Please tell us! 

DM Natalie or me on IG.  

Grab the book! 


Natalie on LinkedIN

Natalie on IG

Interested in working with Natalie?  Head on over to Six Figures Lab, and if the program is right for you, please use promo code sflfriends for 50% off your first month.  *January cohort only.

Ready to get more time back in your business? 

Want to put your computer away for the weekend?

Actually be present for your kids events, or gosh forbid take the afternoon off and get a massage? 

Let's stop the hamster wheel of doing more to get more and start getting your time back and get better results.  I'll show you how.  Grab your seat in my next masterclass.



In 2009, Melissa Rose started her business in the basement of her home. She taught the art of dance to students of all ages while her babies were right along with her in the pack and play.  With her passion, resilience, and nose down she created a business that has become "The Highlight of Your Week" for her tribe, her team and her community.  

In 2015 her life shattered when her husband of 15 years walked in the door and asked for divorce.  They had 5 young children at the time ages 11 down to 2yrs. old.  Little did she know at the time, that that one decision would create the foundation to build the life of her dreams.  Fast forward five years later, Melissa upgraded to a second location, a team of 14, and launched an online membership called Dance on Demand. 

Along with running a successful brick and mortar business, Melissa is also a visibility coach for brick and mortar businesses, Melissa guides other boss ladies to a flourishing brick and mortar business that provides for their own tribe - creating a legacy for themselves, their family and their community.  She has a podcast, “Brick and Mortar Visibility” that she dedicates to sharing tips, tools and strategies she’s learned in her brick and mortar business to help others in theirs.

Melissa is a super mama of five kiddos, enjoys long hikes or playing in her garden.  At the end of the day you can find her snuggling with a self development book with an ice cold beer.

CONNECT with Melissa:

Website: https://www.msmelissarose.com/


LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msmelissarose/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therebelwomentribe/


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/therebelwomentribe/