'Tis the season of fresh starts and grand transitions. 🌱✨ New school year, new season, new team members – the air's buzzing with newfound energy.

Amidst all this novelty, it's easy to catch the enthusiasm bug! But let's be real – it's also prime time for that overwhelming "deer in headlights" feeling. After all, the fourth quarter is inching closer by the day. For many of us brick and mortar businesses, it's a season of explosive growth, setting the stage for smashing goals.

But life – oh, it has its curveballs. It can shake you up, make you doubt your journey, and even lead you to question, "Am I nuts for taking this on?"

No matter where you stand in your business's lifecycle, this rings true. And guess what? I've got a front-row seat to another one of life's crazy transitions, and I'm here to spill the beans. So grab your trusty pen and paper, and let's jump into the whirlwind together. πŸ“πŸŒͺ️

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Our Sponsor Nutritionist Lisa Holtan