1. The one question people always ask me, “How in the world do you do it!?  A single mama, with five kids and two businesses how do you manage to stay so consistent?”  Well, I keep it simple.  That is why I’m sharing my 5 tools for consistency.  I use them everyday and they keep me accountable to my goals.  Grab them here: https://www.msmelissarose.com/page/158235-my-top-tools-for-consistency

2. You have to work ON your business. Not IN it. You need a mentor who's been through this already and understands what's at stake as you take the leap to the next level. 

As a successful business owner,  I understand that running a profitable business can be very daunting at times with all the hats that pull our focus and attention.

But I’m here to help. 

I'll coach you to help you clarify your goals, hold you accountable, challenge you, push you, & open your mind to what's possible.

You'll be guided through the murky waters of the unknown & get you to the other side so that you are clear & confident in your business that clients lining up, paying you what your worth & a profit margins can be seen without squinting. 

Together in an exclusive community of kick ass women, you will be challenged, stretched, encouraged, and empowered to take action that's needed to create the business of your dreams.

This 90 days will push you into the bad ass boss babe you intended to be! https://www.msmelissarose.com/level-up-mastermind

3. Join my FREE Coaching Group where I come in weekly to share tips, tools, motivation and inspiration that has helped me in my business to help you in yours.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/Inthenittygrittycoachingwithmelissa