You guys… 

For many business owners the last couple months have been brutal. 
Revenue stopped.  Completely and our small business budget got squeezed like never before.
Now that we are starting to get to the other side of this pandemic, there has never been a more dire time when we need to be top of mind for our clients if we are going to see the year 2021 in our business. 
But a marketing budget?  Do you just wince? Who has marketing dollars?
That is why I don’t want you to miss this workshop.  I will be sharing with you the 10 FREE strategies that I have used in my brick and mortar business allowing me to grow over 20% each year for the past four years.  (And we are on track to blow that out of the water this year,  even with COVID.)
Yes, these strategies I STILL use.  I have never taken out Google Ads and my Facebook ads budget over that past 10 years is less than $1000.  That’s right… this is all organic reach. 
So if you’re a service based business, brick and mortar or online, I don’t want you to miss this unique Zoom workshop.  Filled not only with real strategies, but email templates, text templates, the how to  and nitty gritty.  You’ll be able to ask questions and really dive in deep with what will be best for your business.
Oh yea, and it’ll be recorded so you can have it for LIFE.  Boom
I hope to see you inside the workshop.
CLICK the link or copy the link to save your spot.