The one question people always ask me, “How in the world do you do it!?  A single mama, with five kids and two businesses how do you manage to stay so consistent?”  Well, I keep it simple.  That is why I’m sharing my 5 tools for consistency.  I use them everyday and they keep me accountable to my goals.  Grab them here:

Want to experience more freedom in your business?  More profits in your pockets? More time with you VIP’s and not your PC or MAC? One on one coaching is where it’s at. But don’t take my word for it:  "If you’re considering a business coach you would be hard-pressed to find a more authentic and dedicated coach than Melissa! She is constantly growing herself forward in pursuit of her own greatness. She has a gifted way of sharing that knowledge and helping you apply it to your business and life.” 

Check out Melissa’s Coaching Packages HERE:

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