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In today’s episode, I’m covering the five main flavor profiles: salty / umami, sweet, sour, bitter, and spice. Most of us are just following recipes when we’re in the kitchen but if you develop an understanding of flavor and how it’s created using a wide variety of ingredients, you’ll be free to go off-roading and become much more confident tinkering with recipes (or even creating your own!). 


Here’s what we’ll cover:

The concept of “The Flavor Star,” and how flavor profiles balance and enhance one another. The ingredients you can use to create each flavor profile. We’ll be going well beyond the basics of salt, sugar, lemon juice, and pepper. We’ll dissect a few recipes to understand how different ingredients contributed to its flavor profile.


Have a listen and become a flavor star! You’ll even get to hear me sing a few tunes in this one 🎶🎤.


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