In today’s podcast episode, we are bringing in teacher extraordinaire Katie Kimball to give us a few cooking and parenting lessons. Katie is an advocate for healthy kids cooking, a blogger, former teacher and the founder of the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse. Her blog, Kitchen Stewardship helps families stay healthy without going crazy, and she’s on a mission to connect families around healthy food and teach every child in America to cook.


We are actually going through Katie’s course right now, and it’s been so fun. Katie is one of those people who was just born to teach kids. She has a naturally warm demeanor, a gift for explaining concepts in a way that anyone can understand, and a rapport with kids that cannot be taught. Plus, she’s got amazing camera presence! My kids are learning a lot from Mrs. Kimball and definitely loving their new kitchen skills, and I am learning a thing or two about parenting and communicating with kids from Katie through the course, which is such an added bonus.


Because of our businesses, I have known Katie for many years now, and I’ve always been so impressed with how smart she is but also how generous and thoughtful, and I am so excited to introduce her to you today to talk more about her program and the importance of teaching kids how to cook.


In today’s episode, we chat about:


How important it is to teach kids how to cook and how parents can do it without making it more work How to make your own DIY kitchen summer camp What kitchen skills children should learn at various developmental stages How to encourage a child to help in the kitchen when they show little interest in cooking


Check out this Knife Skills Lesson Katie is making available for free to the Cook Smarts community -- it is appropriate for children of any age!


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