Welcome Loves!
I am SO glad you are here. I can't believe we’ve reached our last episode of this first season. 

What an incredible experience this has been! Beautiful conversations, friendships, community…and it’s all thanks to you! 

Thank you from the depth of my heart. This journey has been pure magic and its just the beginning.


On the note of pure magic, get ready to be blown away by this week’s guest! In this episode, I’m joined by the AMAZING Jen Casey! Jen is a psychology & brain based business coach, speaker, the founder of CEOPsyche, and hosts a top rated podcast by the same name, CEOPsyche.


She has been helping business leaders and coaches breakthrough to unbelievable successes with her unique and powerful methods since 2011. 


Jen is a TOTAl badass! She shares the incredible story of her spiritual awakening and the unbelievable healing gifts that transpired. We dive into how this has transformed her life and business, and how she ’s now showing up to help others usher in their own unique superpowers. 


What we dive into: 

Awakening in your Spiritual Journey. There is no wrong or right way in spiritual awakening. We all have our own process.
Human Design is an amazing system for understanding and validating your life, energy, and process.
We find the catalysts and “pushes” for our leaps and journey’s in unlikely places. Jen shares her story of what pushed her to start online businesses.
Diving into your own expansion, usually creates contrast in your life with friends, family, career and that’s normal. It’s a part of the process.
Plant Medicine as a tool for spiritual awakening
Jen’s incredible story of opening to her healing gifts and what her healing looks likes for her clients
When you’re ready for new chapters, sometimes life will feel so uncomfortable or painful until you finally surrender to your next chapter.
Healing and growth happen in their own timing. You can’t force it. Our stories are held in the cellular.
Show up in the hard times. It's a gift to explore different aspects of who you are. You will be surprised how badass you are. Breaking through resistance helps you create new neural pathways
Give yourself the gift of not judging your spiritual gifts. They take time to unfold and looks different for everyone.
The power of healing, deep embodiment, and being open to your woo… Jen shares her story of awakening and healing gifts.
Opening to Light Language
Georgiana’s story of near death and awakening early in life.
Intentions and direction of our awareness have the power to SHIFT everything in your life.
Shifting business from a hustle model to spiritually (and heart) aligned model that is more sustainable for the long term.

Thank you friends for listening in! 


And thank you for making this first season of In The Calm so incredible. Together we have laughed, cried, learned, and built beautiful soul friendships…and it’s just the beginning!


I cannot wait to share with you what I have in store for next season! Deeper dives, more open conversations on all our favorite topics…like health, wellness, spirituality, heart focused business, and way deeper into quantum leaps.


In the meantime...Make sure you check out chaoscalm.com   for all the news on courses, training, classes, events and while you are there check out all the free resources, tools, and inspiration!


You can join in more of the conversation and community by clicking the link below for the In The Calm Community! All my love friends! I hope you have the most amazing week ahead.

See you soon.


Connect to Your Community & Georgie:






Connect with Jen Casey: