"I stand at the end of no tradition. I may, perhaps, stand at the beginning of one.” Ayn Rand

Today's Monday Mishmash will be a subdued one. My heart is breaking. I apologize if at times this message is hard to hear through my tears, but I can keep them in no longer.

I don't have the answers to the problems that face our country around racism. As a former law enforcement officer my feelings are complex, to say the least. But one thing I can say is this a time for listening and learning. And once we know better we must do better. Thank you for listening to my thoughts. I believe that we have the capacity within us for great acts of goodness. I believe we can and should treat those who don't look like us with dignity and respect and equality. I have faith in us. Have faith in each other.

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Stuff in this episode:
Connect with Chandler Smith: @blacksmifff
Ayn Rand quote

Connect with me: @marcus.strange, website