In February this year, Pak Zaim Saidi was arrested and held in custody by the Indonesian authorities under the pretence of using illegal currency. The truth is he has been on the forefront of re-establishing the Gold dinar and Silver Dirham, the coinage of the Muslim world since the time of the Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alayhi wassalam) and the only accepted means that Zakat can be taken on monetary wealth. 

Pak Zaim was only exonerated from these charges last week on 12 October after a year including interrogations, months in jail and a lengthy trial in the national courts of Indonesia.

This is Pak Zaim's story. It is an education on the Dinar and Dirham and the reality of the fallen pillar of Zakat, but it is also heroism in action and the story of a man who maintained his conviction, persevered and stood firm for a part of the Deen that has been lost for over a century. 

The verdict of not-guilty is a victory not only for Pak Zaim and his work in Indonesia, but for Islam and Muslims across the world.