In this episode, Mathias Sondermann talks about SAP’s Sapphire and embracing standardization for scalability, the importance of localization, and the power of continuous learning.

Meet Senior Director of Events Mathias Sondermann, who has been with SAP for more than 15 years. In this episode, he takes us into SAP's largest customer-facing event, Sapphire, and does a bit of cultural globetrotting as he discusses the power of standardization, regional adaptation, and continuous learning — all in the name of promoting innovation and enabling scalability. 

Here is a sneak peek of what you’ll hear about in this conversation:

How standardizing certain aspects of events gives teams space to innovate at scale 

The importance of localization and tailoring events to regional and cultural nuances 

How collaboration, knowledge sharing, and continuous learning can improve the quality of events across the industry

Mentioned in This Episode

SAP Sapphire 2023

German Convention Bureau 

Mathias Sondermann on LinkedIn