Previous Episode: Talking To Jay

[Recorded Nov 2nd, 2017. Edited and produced by Jie Zheng.]

Interviewing Tom Copley (Tw: @tomcopley)
An interesting look at the issue of homelessness from the perspective of somebody inside the Greater London Authority. Change is often spoken of as something people want ‘outside the system’. It’s great to hear from someone elected into office talk through some of the challenges of the housing system, what he’s trying to do to make it better.
Please remember to sign my petition, and support by buying a copy of the book (link is below in the useful links).

- Tell me you thoughts:
- link to my book:
- sign my petition:
- my policy recommendations:

Notes from Episode 2:
1. Hope NOT Hate; , on twitter @hopenothate
2. Agency fee ban (A new draft bill will be introduced to Parliament today (1 November 2017) to ban letting fees.):
3. Home Office use of CHAIN homelessness data (The Home Office secretly acquired sensitive data, showing the nationality of people sleeping rough on the streets, in order to remove them from Britain) :
4. My Freedom of Information request on Bedroom Tax, and findings:
5. Open letter to Boris Johnson from Head of UK Statistics Authority regarding the £350million per week figure used in the EU referendum (great to see misleading data claims be challenged by independent authorities. Need this for homelessness too):

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