[Recorded Nov 10th, 2017. Edited and produced by Jie Zheng.]

Interviewing Andy Slaughter (Tw: @hammersmithandy)
In depth discussion on housing policy, Homelessness reduction act, and the state of private rented sector. We begin by important coverage of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, and look into the duty of care government carries for housing victims, applying this duty wider, also touching on the lack of legal protection for tenants. Also features a nice shout out to the work of charities Shelter, Crisis, and St Mungo’s.

Please remember to sign my petition, and support by buying a copy of the book (link is below in the useful links).

- Tell me you thoughts: https://twitter.com/papakowbaiden
- link to my book: http://bit.ly/2FWoZOK
- sign my petition: http://bit.ly/2kkJePR
- my policy recommendations: http://bit.ly/2jGzCel

Notes from Episode 3:
1- Some of the best coverage of the Grenfell Tower tragedy came from MP David Lammy; https://twitter.com/DavidLammy/status/960520139266514946
2- “What you need to know about the homelessness reduction act”, 2017, written by the Chartered Institute of Housing. This 4 page note explains in great detail the new duties in law. But looooong story short, there’s a huge increase in legal responsibility for local governments with no increase in funds to meet this (some areas have had epic decrease of funds). http://www.cih.org/resources/PDF/Policy%20free%20download%20pdfs/What%20you%20need%20to%20know%20Homelessness%20Reduction%20Act%202017.pdf

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