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Discover the hidden ways PMDD can hijack your thoughts and shake the foundations of your closest relationships. Dr. Rose Alcaton joins us to reveal the inner workings of the brain under the influence of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and how it can lead you to question your feelings towards your partner. With her guidance, we uncover strategies to help you differentiate between PMDD-induced perceptions and your genuine emotions. This isn't just an exploration; it's a path to reclaiming the truth of your relationships and fortifying them against the seemingly relentless waves of PMDD.

Arm yourself with the mental tools necessary to dismantle the intrusive thoughts that PMDD plants in your mind. Dr. Rose's techniques are like choosing the right armor for battle, teaching you to consciously select your reactions and discard the negativity that PMDD attempts to weave into your narrative. Learn how to stop the spiral of doubt and anxiety before it spins out of control, and how to extend forgiveness to yourself for the turmoil PMDD can cause. This episode isn't about battling PMDD alone—it's about empowering you with the knowledge and tactics to maintain peace and protect the integrity of your relationships.