Everywhere that you turn online you see advice on the ONE thing that you need to grow your business, attract more clients, and create success. I'm sure you've tried some of them too and you wondered why they didn't work for you. You felt frustrated and you may have even considered throwing in the towel... but all along, it wasn't you! 

You're trying all of these things that you're reading about and you feel that if it worked for others and not you, then it must be something wrong with you! I'm here to tell you... that's not the case! 

I have 3 reasons why your marketing isn't working. 

You're basing your marketing off of what worked for someone else.  Whether you read a blog post, talked to a friend, or even hired someone, if you make your decisions solely based on the fact that it worked for them, you might be in trouble. Your business, audience, budget, and mindset are all different. So, your marketing approach should be customized based on those elements because your marketing depends on all of these. You need a strategy customized to you. You're doing what you've always done!  If you're basing your marketing off what worked for you before, it might not work. Crazy right? Not even what worked for you in the past will always work for you in the future. As the industry, your audience, your business, and marketing evolves, you will need to evolve as well. As they say - "What got you here, won't get you there." So, your strategy will have to adapt. You're missing ingredients.  As I said, there is no cookie cutter approach but there is a tried and true formula. It's a framework that outlines the different elements needed within your marketing, while still giving you the flexibility to customize your approach and plan which each element. I'm going in depth on this formula in my program, "Ignite Business Academy" where you'll learn the 4-part formula for attracting more dream client.

"Just because it worked for them, does not mean it's going to work for you!" - Kathryn Binkley #scaletoseven

Let’s Connect See all that Kathryn has to offer at kathrynbinkley.com Connect more with Kathryn on Instagram! Listen + Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher

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