Coaching is an industry that not many people understand. A lot of people like the idea of hiring a coach and it's becoming more and more popular. But when it comes to coaching, there are always expectations going in and some of them are very unrealistic.

There are some beliefs out there when working with coaches that are just flat out wrong. So, I have 3 common myths that I am going to break down with you. 

1. Coaches Have all the Answers.

Some people hire a coach hoping they will tell you, step by step what to do. They hope that the coach is going to make the hard decisions for them. But, that's based on a belief that there is ONE right way to do something. Truthfully, there is no one way that works. There are a million ways that could work.

On top of that, everyone has a different definition of success. So, how could there be one way if there are an unlimited number of ways to describe success?

Coaching is not at all about having the answers, it's about asking the right questions. If you hire a coach hoping that they are going to give you answers, you're going to be very disappointed. If you go into the process hoping that you are going to get answers, that's fine. You ARE going to get answers, but those answers are already within you. YOU are the one who will make decisions and uncover the answers that you need.

"'Coaching is not at all about having the answers, it's about asking the right questions.' - Kathryn Binkley  #scaletoseven " 

2. The Journey will Be Easy with a Coach 

If you are looking for the easy way out, I am not your girl! I am here to push you, challenge you, and get you out of your comfort zone. Change is not easy, it's freakin' hard! If you think hiring a coach is going to be the "easy" way, it's not going to happen.

We will solve problems together but don't mistake that with your business being problem-free. In fact, the benefit of having a coach is to have support while things are tough. I am not here to make sure that your journey in entrepreneurship is without any challenge, trouble, or pain. If I could do that I certainly would, but unfortunately, that's impossible.

"'You have to ask for help. If you don't ask for help when things are hard, that's on you. Coaches can't help if they don't know.' - Kathryn Binkley  #scaletoseven " 

3. Coaches are Responsible for Your Results

Now, working with a coach will often very naturally lead to improved results and performance. Yes, you will meet or exceed your goals when you work with a coach, but simply hiring a coach will not make that happen. They don't get the results for you.

You have to show up, you have to do the work and believe in yourself, you have to get results! Coaches can't do it for you. Yes, I'm going to provide decision support for you, push you out of your comfort zone, call you out on your BS, but I will never take full credit for your results. That was you!

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