Episode Summary: Obesity has been a theme in Melissa's life since childhood and has affected her life in so many ways. One morning, while working as a paralegal, she told her husband that she was going to quit her job and start a business in the nutrition industry and hasn't looked back since!

"'I never looked back. I've always felt that this was why I was put on this earth.' - Melissa Ronda #scaletoseven" 

Melissa says that being a ladypreneur to her means that she gets to operate with integrity all the time and no one can ever take that away from her.

"'I always want to serve people from a place of love.' - Melissa Ronda #scaletoseven" 

Since it's the new year, we've all heard everyone's goals and the excitement behind them. Although many of us are really great at setting goals, we aren't so much at keeping them. Melissa shares her advice on how we can start keeping these goals throughout the whole year. We make decisions from emotion and not critical thinking. Comparisonitis is a great example! We are comparing ourselves to someone else's weight loss journey and want that for us too but, we are really only seeing the highlight and not the true facts! Once you can get real honest with yourself, you'll be able to visualize what you really want for your life and not what someone else has! Have you thought about what your WHY is? Melissa shares how she always found it difficult to explain her WHY. So, she created this unique practice and that was to imagine your WHY as an avatar. Create the woman that you want to be and envision yourself as this woman!

"'Whoever you want your avatar to be, you've got to start being her now!' - Melissa Ronda #scaletoseven"

Slip-ups happen but that shouldn't stop us from achieving our goal! Melissa gives her tips on what to do when we feel like we've "failed". She says that it's a mindset shift and giving up isn't an option!

Grab Melissa's free guide "6 Quick Swaps for Easy Weight Loss" ------> HERE 

About The Guest:

Melissa is the fearlessly forthright weight loss expert who helps busy women lose massive amounts of weight while eating food they actually want to eat. She is a true crime fanatic, podcast junkie, and lover of dresses with pockets. Since launching The Honest Weigh in 2014, Melissa has lead clients to weight loss totaling over 17,000 pounds and counting! But even more important than that, they keep it off with the skills they continue to implement.

Where to Find Melissa Online: Website Facebook Instagram YouTube Pinterest Let’s Connect See all that Kathryn has to offer at kathrynbinkley.com Join the Future 7-Figures CEOs Facebook Group and continue the conversation! Connect more with Kathryn on Facebook and Instagram! Register for the FREE masterclass: 7-Figure System™ Listen + Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher

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