Hey entrepreneur! Do you have a lead magnet but you're not getting the leads that you had hoped for? In this episode, I share why your lead magnet sucks and what you can do to fix it! When I first started out in business, I created more lead magnets that I care to admit. Maybe you can relate... after all of that work, you put it out into the world and get a whopping total of 3 subscribers and that includes yourself and your mom! So what's wrong? Well, you're not alone and I am going to go over some tips on how you can create a lead magnet that YOUR audience finds irresistible! 

Make it specific. Your lead magnet can't be vague or focus on many different topics. It has to be super specific focusing on one thing! Provide real value. Some kind of a quick win, for example, a cheat sheet or checklist. Solve a pain point. Give people something they actually want, not simply need! Check out a previous episode where I talk about what your dream clients actually want! Episode 003: What Does Your Dream Client Want? Attract your dream clients. I've seen clients that have created a lead magnet that was too vague or too general. It was something that could help anyone when not everyone is your dream client, right? Remember your ideal client and cater to those people. Demonstrate credibility. Show your expertise and position yourself as someone with authority and experience around whatever it is that they need. Build curiosity. The title of your lead magnet should tease your audience a little! You want your dream clients to read what your lead magnet is but not have the all the answers just by reading the title. Leave a little to the imagination and build curiosity so that they actually want to download it and figure out what's inside. Make sure it looks professional. First impression is everything right? If graphic design isn't your area of expertise, you can still make your lead magnet attractive and professional-looking by using templates on creatativemarket.com or by hiring a designer. Make it easily consumable. You want your dream client to be able to skim through it and have some takeaways within minutes. Think, immediate gratification. Make it relevant to the content before and your offer after. When you're promoting your lead magnet, you're going to attract people through content. That content should lead seamlessly to your lead magnet. After they download it and consume it, you want it to lead seamlessly to your offer. This alignment is an absolute must!

"'Your lead magnet needs to provide real value that's focused on outcomes and results.' - Kathryn Binkley #scaletoseven" 

Let’s Connect! See all that Kathryn has to offer at kathrynbinkley.com Join the Future 7-Figures CEOs Facebook Group and continue the conversation! Connect more with Kathryn on Facebook and Instagram! Listen + Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher

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