What do you wish you could change? I'm sure there is something right? You probably have a list of things you want to change. It's easy to say you want to change all of these things but when it actually comes down to it, we all want to change... but we don't change! We want the end result of what change will bring, but actually making the change can be hard, uncomfortable, or scary! So, we avoid change. But if you change nothing, nothing will change. So my question to you is if you change nothing, where will you be a year from now? In this episode, I share five steps to create a plan for change.

Set a goal. Start by setting one, short-term goal. Break it down and get really specific! What's one short-term goal that you can take action on within 30 to 90 days? Get realistic and set that one goal so you can start taking action without feeling so overwhelmed.Determine the input that's required for the outcome that you want.  There is a difference between input goals and outcome goals. Most likely, you've set an outcome goal and that's exactly what you should start with. But most of our outcome goals are hard to reach without breaking them down. So, I want you to look at the input required and set a daily or weekly recurring goal. What are the daily actions that you can take that will guarantee that you'll get to that outcome? When you break it down in this way and focus on a list of what you have to do every day, all of a sudden it becomes more manageable!Plan for roadblocks. They are going to happen ladies! There is no reason to pretend that everything is going to be perfect. I want you to think about what could go wrong. What could derail your progress? What has derailed your progress before? Make a list of those things and plan for how you're going to handle them.

"Plan ahead of time. You will be far better at overcoming obstacles when you've thought about them ahead of time and decided how you're going to respond." -Kathryn Binkley

Connect for accountability. You want to enlist help on this journey! Change is hard! You need help, don't try to do this alone and most importantly, find the right person to help! You need someone who you're going to listen to and someone who will give you some tough love.Measure your progress. Don't simply say you're going reach a goal at the end of 90 days. Instead, build in a way to track your progress along the way. It's best to have check-ins at regular intervals. Set some milestones for yourself. What you do want to accomplish by when? How will you know you're making progress toward your goal?

"So much can happen in the next year for you! So set your goals and get started!" -Kathryn Binkley

Next Steps:

Join The Unshakable Company™ Incubator

Let’s Connect

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Follow & Review on Apple Podcasts:

Are you following the podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to follow today so you don’t miss any future episodes! I have so many topics lined up, and I would hate for you to miss a single one. ...

What do you wish you could change? I'm sure there is something right? You probably have a list of things you want to change. It's easy to say you want to change all of these things but when it actually comes down to it, we all want to change... but we don't change! We want the end result of what change will bring, but actually making the change can be hard, uncomfortable, or scary! So, we avoid change. But if you change nothing, nothing will change. So my question to you is if you change nothing, where will you be a year from now? In this episode, I share five steps to create a plan for change.

Set a goal. Start by setting one, short-term goal. Break it down and get really specific! What's one short-term goal that you can take action on within 30 to 90 days? Get realistic and set that one goal so you can start taking action without feeling so overwhelmed.Determine the input that's required for the outcome that you want.  There is a difference between input goals and outcome goals. Most likely, you've set an outcome goal and that's exactly what you should start with. But most of our outcome goals are hard to reach without breaking them down. So, I want you to look at the input required and set a daily or weekly recurring goal. What are the daily actions that you can take that will guarantee that you'll get to that outcome? When you break it down in this way and focus on a list of what you have to do every day, all of a sudden it becomes more manageable!Plan for roadblocks. They are going to happen ladies! There is no reason to pretend that everything is going to be perfect. I want you to think about what could go wrong. What could derail your progress? What has derailed your progress before? Make a list of those things and plan for how you're going to handle them.

"Plan ahead of time. You will be far better at overcoming obstacles when you've thought about them ahead of time and decided how you're going to respond." -Kathryn Binkley

Connect for accountability. You want to enlist help on this journey! Change is hard! You need help, don't try to do this alone and most importantly, find the right person to help! You need someone who you're going to listen to and someone who will give you some tough love.Measure your progress. Don't simply say you're going reach a goal at the end of 90 days. Instead, build in a way to track your progress along the way. It's best to have check-ins at regular intervals. Set some milestones for yourself. What you do want to accomplish by when? How will you know you're making progress toward your goal?

"So much can happen in the next year for you! So set your goals and get started!" -Kathryn Binkley

Next Steps:

Join The Unshakable Company™ Incubator

Let’s Connect

Follow the Podcast Follow The Unshakable Company on InstagramFollow Kathryn Binkley on InstagramFollow The Unshakable Company on Facebook

Follow & Review on Apple Podcasts:

Are you following the podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to follow today so you don’t miss any future episodes! I have so many topics lined up, and I would hate for you to miss a single one. 

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