I am deeply grateful to be able to share with you a wonderful conversation with Marianne Williamson, an exceptional woman and a beautiful heart. I hope you join Marianne and me as we talk from the heart about cancer, the healing journey, the importance of forgiveness, and what can we do today that bespeaks our intention to live, to love, to be who we are meant to be. We talk about the body, love as the essence of who we are, the power of intent and how sickness, along with every problem we have as human beings is routed in the fact that we think ourselves as separate. Marianne teaches that when we decide to face life with an open heart, we allow healing to manifest at all levels. Join us as we talk about spiritual medicine as the medicine of love and compassion. I think every person on this planet needs to hear her message. To learn more about Marianne's work please visit www.marianne.com  or mariannewilliamson.substack.com. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit www.acim.org or www.facim.org. For a video version of this Podcast episode please go to:
https://youtu.be/mwFjLXN_DsQ. The auditory version of this podcast can be found on most major podcast sites: Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1094801