This episode surrounded a topic I am extremely interested in. As those who know me well know (as I talk about it all the time), I do not believe we have any free will. I believe that the events of the past and the laws of nature determine what we will say, do or think next and that this is incompatible with notions of free will and therefore, we should not praise or blame anyone for their actions and my guest for episode 20 shares this view; Gregg Caruso. He is professor of Philosohy at the state university of New York and honoury professor of philosophy at Macquarie university. He is also the co director of the justice without retribution network at the university of Aberdeen school of law. He has written many books and papers surrounding free will, moral responsibility and punishment. We discussed this idea as well as what consequences (if proven to be true) this would have on society, culture and systems of punishment.

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