Matt learns more about APIs, cookies, local storage, prepares for the upcoming group project and attends the legendary HackerX event!

Matt learns more about APIs, cookies, local storage, prepares for the upcoming group project and attends the legendary HackerX event!

Class topics

JavaScript, more on APIs
Weather API; API keys
Local storage
Instructor was a troll

The data was not stored anywhere

Preparing for groups

Acknowledging those that are doing well seemingly
Guidance on what to do with those that don’t participate


Early standup

Trying your hardest

Either not hard at all
Or committed despite the odds

Helping others in class

Connecting the dots

Almost handed the answer and the connection is a google-a-way but the dots don’t connect


Business cards
Elevator pitch

Did you feel prepared?
What was most overwhelming?
Who did you talk to?
How did it go?
What did you learn?


~aether theories~


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This episode of In Bootcamp has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #524: IB #7 — Chicken Hut!

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