Previous Episode: In Bootcamp #25: The Last Week

On the final episode of In Bootcamp, Matthew Petschl finishes bootcamp! Group project is complete, graduation commences and upcoming plans are made.

On the final episode of In Bootcamp, Matthew Petschl finishes bootcamp! Group project is complete, graduation commences and upcoming plans are made.

Group Project 3

Last minute work
Grade: A

Graduation from bootcamp

Final Photo

Bootcamp feelings
Upcoming plans

Instructor’s lead for Leadpages
Practical and realistic practice using The Nexus Tittler

Hours and hours of coding!

This episode of In Bootcamp has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #553: IB #26 — Continuous Jubilee and Celebration!

Listen to more at The Nexus and follow us on Twitter and Google+ for our latest episodes and news.

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