Previous Episode: In Bootcamp #18: Mongo
Next Episode: In Bootcamp #20: React

Matt continues with MongoDB in class, and outside of class he attends his first conference - Open Source North - meets new friends and even gets his own invitation to the legendary HackerX.

Matt continues with MongoDB in class, and outside of class he attends his first conference - Open Source North - meets new friends and even gets his own invitation to the legendary HackerX.

Two class periods off

No Saturday or Tuesday classes due to the Memorial Day holiday

More MongoDB

Moved away from just using the shell
Just under 6% market share 


Everything just works!

Open source north  

Hi Aron
Turkey and cookies
The world is big
I did not really learn anything, just got to see what I need to go home a google,

Apache kafka

≠ null


Ryan’s favorite talks

HackerX again someday

Late June; still not quite done with bootcamp yet

This episode of In Bootcamp has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #545: IB #19 — Vibrate their soil with your words!

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