Matt's class takes a break from programming material, focuses on tools and tricks alongside the group project.

Matt's class takes a break from programming material, focuses on tools and tricks alongside the group project.

Refreshing on Sequelize
Group Project 2 begins

Idea: D&D character stats and inventory

5 person team
Some overlap from previous team
About 2 weeks to do it


Needs node, express, handlebars, mysql, sequelize
MVC folders
GET and POST routes for CRUD
Deploy using Heroku
Using a new package/library the class has not used yet

Possibly pdf generation
Possibly user authentication

Polished UI
Code quality, prettier, eslint


npm run lint — –fix
Did you set up prettier?



npm odd audited 176 packages in 0.99s

Xray from Jfrog is used in our pipeline


This episode of In Bootcamp has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #541: IB #16 — The Greatest of Ewww!

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