Matt finally reaches halfway in the Bootcamp, and kicks off MySQL with Workbench, using Mamp and Xampp, and later, Ryan shares a recent mini-job experience related to the bootcamp.

Matt finally reaches halfway in the Bootcamp, and kicks off MySQL with Workbench, using Mamp and Xampp, and later, Ryan shares a recent mini-job experience related to the bootcamp.


Mamp and Xampp


Practice what we know


Make a video to demo
Liri Node App Code


Chatted with various graduates from the U of M Bootcamp as they were looking for work at a mini-job fair

Half seemed to take the 3mo, the others took the 6mo course
Lots of them fondly remember their group work

When asked the challenge of that group work…

Getting coordination of the tasks
Communication among the team
“Backfilling” technical knowledge

Only a few had “personal” projects that got them excited outside of their course work
Some had previous experience that helped “align” them with possible employers

An example would, for you, applying at a Logistics company


~aether theories~


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This episode of In Bootcamp has a Fringe episode. You should really listen to The Fringe #534: IB #12 — Your Beard Has No Volume!

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