Previous Episode: A Song in Your Heart
Next Episode: Going Blue

The Ultimate Improviser(TM) is one who can improvise with anyone, anywhere, regardless of their scene partner’s skill level, and regardless of the situation.

I’m Michael Bradt for The Bit Theater. When I teach improv, I try to create improvisers who are perfect scene partners and teammates. My vision of the Ultimate Improviser(TM) is one who can improvise with anyone, anywhere, regardless of their scene partner’s skill level, and regardless of the situation. That improviser cannot be shaken, cannot be discouraged, and can create gold in even the most difficult of situations. If for some misguided reason you ever want to impress me, be that improviser. Take on any challenge, say yes with enthusiasm, and snatch success from the jaws of any potential failure. That’s your improv tip for the day. Stay safe, stay healthy, love each other, and I will see you next time.