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Whether it be playing a silly character, breaking into a song, or getting lost in a big physical activity, find your safe space where you’re confident that everything you’re doing is brilliant.

I’m Michael Bradt for The Bit Theater. Just as it's important to know your weaknesses as an improviser, it’s equally important to know your strengths. Know what you’re great at. That way, if you ever find yourself in a bit of a slump, you can fall back on your strengths to improvise your way out of it. Falling back on your strengths is like eating your favorite comfort food after a breakup or going to your safe space in times of turmoil. Whether it be playing a silly character, breaking into a song, or getting lost in a big physical activity, find your safe space where you’re confident that everything you’re doing is brilliant. That’s your improv tip for the day. Stay safe, stay healthy, love each other, and I will see you next time.