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A website, a Facebook page, a Twitter feed, a mailing list, or some other free form of social media is a simple way to let people know about your shows.

I’m Michael Bradt for The Bit Theater. A running joke in the improv community is how many times we've all heard the following from our friends and family members: “Let me know when you have your comedy show! I'll come see it!” I'm sure most folks are well-intentioned, but they rarely show up. I've learned that a simpler way to handle this question is to set up a website to post all of your shows. Registering and hosting a domain isn’t terribly expensive, and it’s probably a good idea to claim your name on a website before someone else does, anyhow. If you don’t want to pay for your own page, a Facebook page, a Twitter feed, a mailing list, or some other free form of social media is a simple way to let people know about your shows. If people want to come see you, direct them to those places, and they can choose to come see you on their own time. That’s your improv tip for the day. Stay safe, stay healthy, love each other, and I will see you next time.