For athletes looking to conceive during their lifetimes, understanding the potential impacts of exercise on reproductive health is paramount. I noticed that there was very little media attention given to the effects of exercise on reproductive health. After having met many athletes who have struggled with fertility and reproductive health, I wanted to learn more about the topic and share this information with you through my podcast.

It was my pleasure to have the opportunity to speak with Reproductive Biologist and embryologist Dr. Diana Vaamonde about this topic.

Dr. Vaamonde a Professor of Anatomy and Embryology at the University of Cordoba and a recent author of the book Fertility, Pregnancy and Wellness. She has also spent many years working in fertility clinics and has both clinical and research experience, which gives her a deep understanding of how difficult this is emotionally for people who do want to conceive and have children.

Dr. Vaamonde did an excellent job translating the science into accessible terms that we can all understand and relate to during our discussion. I learned a lot and here is what you can learn when you tune in.

How temperature and saddle pressure impacts sperm parameters in males
Physiology of the reproductive system (male/female)
Athletes, oxidative stress and how it impacts reproductive health, including mitochondria in sperm and eggs.
(RED-S) Low energy availability and reproductive health
Is there a sweet spot of exercise volume to optimize reproductive health?
Why having a period doesn’t always mean you are fertile and a bit about anovulation.
IVF therapy and healthy lifestyle.
What is the ‘volume threshold’ in regards to reproductive health?
How reversible are reproductive changes that may occur in response to certain types of exercise or low energy availability?
How to navigate through difficult life circumstances and keep moving forward when things are TOUGH!

It is very important to consult with your physician if you are struggling to conceive. This podcast does not serve as medical advice, rather it is a source of information from an expert in the field which you can learn from. As we discussed in the podcast, there are many other factors which can impact someone’s ability to conceive. We touched on some topics which may contribute to your reproductive health, however it is important to have a full medical assessment if you are concerned or struggling.

To learn more from Dr. Diana Vaamonde, you can find her on LinkedIn below and also purchase her book at the link below.

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Thank you for being a part of the Imperfect Progress community! Stay tuned for my next podcast on MINDSET for sport and life, it will be a good one! For more podcast episodes and articles on sports science and sports nutrition visit my Prokit page here: and check out this awesome new platform for athletes!

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