With decades of experience in the health and fitness industries, Dr. Alwyn Wong is a wealth of knowledge. Alwyn has worked with athletes in the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, and PGA, as well as Olympic, and IFBB athletes. He currently works as a Chiropractic Doctor out of Toronto, Canada.

Alwyn specializes in acupuncture and active release techniques and more recently you’ll find him speaking on anti-aging and stress reduction. Alwyn also teaches at a traditional acupuncture school and operates his business Zone Health and Performance, a company dedicated to educating fitness professionals. It’s safe to say he’s staying curious and current.

Dr. Wong joined me for an insightful conversation that takes us through the body’s responses to stress and how stress can impact our body’s ability to put on muscle, recover from exercise and age optimally.

He also walks us through a myriad of reasons why endurance athletes should consider cross-training to prevent injuries, even at the expense of potentially cutting workouts a few miles short to do so.

What we discuss during the episode:

Strengthening the muscles neglected during training
Acupuncture: what’s really happening when you’re lying on a table with needles in your skin?
Foam rolling, tennis balls, scraping and cupping – are they valuable tools for athletes?
The body’s response to stress and how stress can undermine your training efforts
What you can start today for only ONE MINUTE to get your body into a “rest and digest” state

I learned a lot from our conversation and it was a great reminder for me to incorporate some simple movements and habits back into my daily life.

You can find Dr. Alwyn Wong at the links below. If you have any comments please post below or feel free to reach out to Alwyn on Instagram where is most active on social media.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dralwynwong/

Anatomy Course: http://anatomyofmovementonline.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dralwynwong

Website: https://dralwynwong.com/

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