Mark starts off with the topics of personal responsibility, self accountability and pride and how they stem from self awareness

He talks about his older brother’s background and a story he shared with him

Mark wrote an article about the story and then thought it would make a great episode

Jim liked the article and agrees that we all fuck up.  Jim has his own story he’ll share too

Mark reminds the audience that The Imperfect Mens Club has a newsletter on LinkedIn

Mark shares his younger brother’s circumstances as the real root of this topic and explains why

Mark starts to tell the story

It’s about an F-15 pilot that his brother flew with and a situation he got himself into

It involves a mission and what happened when it was coming to an end and it was time to go home

He loses track of his fuel consumption and is faced with a few choices

The guys comment back and forth speculating about what he’s thinking and his options

Mark shares his opinion on the emotion of the moment and how the pilot’s mind was working in the decision making process

Jim offers his opinion on what might have been going on in the pilots head and the reflects on how we all have these moments and how we choose to respond

Jim begins to share his story of being the guy who picked up the phone for his buddy and his divorce

Mark shares his Will Rogers quote and how we should live our lives

Mark’s divorce story comes up and the guys go back and forth with compare and contrast

How we process big problems and the myriad of emotions.  Shame, fear, pride, apology repercussions

Mark’s dad ’s life lesson “What do you do when an engine catches on fire?”

Mark talks about what happens when bad things confront you for the first time

The guys shift to how hard, but good it is to apologize when you really fucked up

Jim brings his friend back up - he had to apologize to his daughter

Mark says it’s hard for him to apologize

Mark relates this concept to projects in business and his experience with people not sharing mistakes until it’s “to late”

They go back to the pilot story and speculate on what happened to him after he landed and what could have been

Jim reminds us from the last episode about the three calls he took from three different guys struggling with the same issue

Jim then recounts a time he was struggling with depression and made a call. He gets a little emotional recalling the story

We all get punched in the nuts - when you take one of these calls you lead with empathy

Mark says we all make these calls and we all take these calls - the power of questions…”What’s going on”

Jim brings back up his call from his friend yesterday who’s in this bad divorce

Jim digs into marriage and how it’s the only license that doesn’t renew or expire - very interesting

Jim essentially helped his friend reframe the situation. Was it a failure or a success that came to an end?

Mark says when you admit to your mistake you gain respect

Apologizing, I fucked up, I don’t know what to do…

Jim says it’s also a cleansing. It flushes out and you become a better person

When you hold on to a fuck up it eats you alive

Jim says that’s what disease is

Mark connects stress to disease

Mark reminds listeners about the IMC newsletter on LinkedIn and encourage listeners to check it out

Jim repeats the connection to LinkedIN and how LinkedIn is melding with personal and professional development

Mark agrees - this melding breeds empathetic leadership among other things - Professional you is personal you

Mark goes back and summarizes the pilot story and asks, “what happens when he goes home?”