Mark introduces episode 52 to finish off season 2!

A milestone for the guys. Trying to get the message out to more people

Today’s topic is critical thinking.   Mark says we’re lacking in critical thinking as a result of a lack of self awareness

Mark reads the definition from Wikipedia. He likes the one term “unbiased”

Jim jumps in with our flywheel and the 5 areas of life on it

Jim brings up Trump’s convictions

Jim says there aren’t many real critical thinkers and we don’t teach that skill. He suggests that being dyslexic makes him think critical

Mark gives his dad credit for telling him to question everything and Jim calls it a gift

The guys both believe you can respect processes and rules and laws and still question everything

Mark brings up science and climate change - nothing has been decided. Science is discovery

Jim says critical thinking makes us better as people - Our goal for IMC - help people get better

Jim shares his infographic about the factors that go into critical thinking











Mark identifies the major differences between critical and non critical thinking. He says listening is perhaps the most important of them all

Jim looks for win/win outcomes. What does success look like?

Marks cites the meaning of words and how we bastardize the language and words

Mark says biases are normal but we can put them aside and remain open to learning something new

Jim likes to approach new conversations with “what can I learn?”

Mark says it virtually impossible to know everything about any topic, so flexibility is important

Both guys are a bit mixed on the word “fairness”. What does it mean and who determines what’s fair. Mark says fairness is the journey but not the destination

Jim expresses his distaste for DEI. Mark agrees and thinks it’s going away

Both guys talk about sports in regard to DEI.  Jim tells a story about a big conference he attended last week. He loved the conference but didn’t like all the groups people were divided into. Why do we have to separate people into groups?  It’s the opposite of inclusive. The worst of elitism.

Mark brings up victimhood. You can’t think critically if you play victim

Mark brings up Pride month and how stupid it is

Jim brings up “the first” and how it should be the best…the first is unnecessary

Mark claims that critical thinking starts all the other dominoes falling. It fixes everything over time

Jim asks if Mark believes people are “Objective”?  He says no, but can continuously move back to objectivity. It’s a journey

Jim quotes - To get what you want, give people what they want. You don’t need to get what you want by taking from someone

Mark tells and Dennis Prager tale about marriage and arguments. He says bringing generosity to conversations is effective

Sports come up again and both guys share reflections on winning and losing and how you look at things. How you respond to them. Jim talks rugby

Mark bundles analysis, research and evaluation together. Jim separates them out

Mark says it’s fine to have an opinion…as long as you claim it as such…not a fact…how I feel

Jim says “throw some math at it”

Jim brings up the data/math on black men being killed by white police officers. There is no math to support it. We often decide how we feel and see out numbers to support our opinions

Mark says we need more context and less speculation. He also brings up climate change and “river to the sea”. Do your homework

Jim. mentions the suicide rate of men and the isolation of young men. It’s our mission to help men talk about these difficult things

Mark challenges the audience to a debate

Jim cites the value of facts, data and math. He cites neurodiversity rates in incarcerated men

Mark says there are too many facts used that aren’t actually facts

Mark says the media values being first over being right. He talks about charts and duration and timelines. Timing

They wrap with how do you remain respectful and question everything

The topic remains open