Mark begins by summarizing the last episode about the IMC framework and philosophy

He then introduces the concept of “radiant thinking”

Jim shares that he discovered radiant thinking while seeking answers about his dyslexia

Mark reads the definition of radiant thinking

Mark brings up agency and how we function as agents at IMC

Mark speculates that most people don’t self reflect and those that do are triggered by events

He states that true self awareness is a life long journey

Jim talks about the evolution of the IMC

“The imperfection Is The Perfection”

What happens to us does not define us…how we react does

Mark says personal accountability (self-accountability) is the whole deal…the foundation…the juice

Jim brings up self-alignment.  Radiant thinking is alignment

Life is not linear, it’s radiant

Jim shares how he thinks the brain works

Mark talks about communicating in a moment.  Empathetic listening involves self awareness

When serving others, you begins with empathy and self awareness

Jim speaks of living in the present…leading to self control

Fear comes from the past and the future

Mark shares a recruiter training story about projection - the 90/10 rule of self awareness

Jim says people are seeking people with order and control

Mark asks Jim when he became self-aware and Jim identifies as an inventor

He struggled with communication until he discovered his dyslexia and now he leans on new technology to communicate

Mark asks Jim more about how his mind works

Mark talks about how to speak with different people in different circumstances

Women and men think different…and that’s a good thing…the world needs everybody

Mark reflects on a misunderstanding he had with Jim just before the show

Jim talks about using Chat GPT for foundational work

Mark brings up the time he questioned his faith and he recognized how self awareness is a gift

Jim brings up some conversations with his daughter about being a different person as he grew

Conversations don’t need to be right or wrong.  No winner and no loser

The need to be right diminishes over time…or it should

Mark talks about his son’s addiction and recovery and the amazing self awareness that has come into his life

Mark puts the IMC program in the context of self awareness

Jim pulls agency back into the conversation

Most good things come from bad things - Mark Jr’s collapsed lung and recovery

Most people just need a little nudge - that what we do at IMC

Jim says he really appreciates people who can laugh at themselves

Mark jokes about how your kids start turning the tables on you as they become adults

Jim wanted to let his daughter know he’s a different person now - humanizing him

Jim asks Mark…what are your “selves”…he strives for authenticity

Jim ends with self worth and self love and gets a few laughs