Mark starts off setting the stage for his most recent ex-wife encounter. Both guys see numerous lessons to be learned from Mark’s encounter the other day and decided to record their conversation as an episode

Mark sets the stage for the discussion by giving the event some historical context

He describes his emotional state and gives a few details of the actual event - sitting in front of a judge

Jim makes a great point - one of the reasons w decided to air this is that 50% of our audience will have to deal with divorce in some capacity - we thought it might be very helpful

Jim starts by going around the wheel and this event touches all 5 areas and the center (self)

Mark adds a timeline and additional historical context to the core event - his divorce

Jim brings up narcissism and they discuss that component of Mark’s ex

Mark says you can’t change people. He talks about her unwillingness to look inside

He also makes the point that you have to rid yourself of people who suck energy from you and how challenging that can be

Jim thinks we can’t change much except how we react to things

They both bring our current political situation into the discussion because it’s directly related

Mark reflects on good and bad energy and the physical manifestation of this stress

Jim takes Mark around the wheel

Money - how she used money as a weapon

Mark shares details of what she did to his career and a story about theft

Mark shares some details about his children and their struggle with anxiety. We work on it together

Worldview is next. Mark talks about his connection with God and his religious journey

Jim brings up Mark’s relationship with his mom, which he’s shared before

Jim says we are “conditioned” when we’re young. Mark shares his thoughts on his mom and the comparison to his ex.

Mark shares a story about his ex and her inability to accept responsibility for anything.  If you agreed with me you immediately became her enemy

Jim asks how much was “attention”

Mark suggests the marriage fell apart because of her inability to accept responsibility or communicate

Mark brings up his ex’s childhood - very bad

Jim brings up a woman’s relationship with her own father

Mark compares his ex and his current love regarding their relationships with their fathers

Mark talks about self accountability and owning your life

Jim brings back politics and society as it relates to Mark’s ex

Jim brings our current president into the discussion.

Mark says he’s not in charge. He’s not sure if Biden knows what’s going on

Jim asks what audacity and is she just that

Mark shares his opinion on how good marriages get through hard times

They worked on themselves first

Jim shares how he’s worked on himself and how he shares our framework in his daily conversations

Mark shares how he never gave up and how his children helped him

Mark shares his Bill Burr’s “hitting women” joke

Mark starts to wrap up and shares some takeaways

Internal work and modifying his routines with age to keep up the work

You have to get negative people out

Life is good. Everything is a choice

You can’t change people

Jim says gratitude is the key and it takes work

Mark agrees and shares his gratitude exercise

Jim bring up growing bitter or better

Mark ends with his LinkedIn message story (she sent one after) and Jim notes that she was doing all the things she was accusing Mark of