My book, Wrestling Depression Is Not for Wimps! Lessons Learned from an Amateur Wrestler’s Fight to Triumph Over Depression, is available on Amazon.


It was a five-year labor of love. I started this journey to share lessons I learned during my recovery from depression. I set out to decrease the stigma related to mental illness, encourage men struggling with this disease to seek help, and assist them in their recovery. While writing my book, I did not realize I’d gain insights into my past and about myself.


You will read about my descent into depression, the symptoms of depression, and practical tips to help you recover from depression. My book is directed at men. Let’s be honest, guys, we are far less likely to admit we need help, much less seek it. Friends, and especially family members of men who are struggling with depression, will also benefit from reading my book.


Its contents are based on anecdotes and lessons from fifty years of a wrestling life, as a wrestler, coach, brother, father, and friend of wrestlers, and rabid fan. “The Power of Your Team: Faith, Family, & Friends”, “Thanks, Coach, I Needed That!”, and “Get Your Head up!”, are among the chapters that gave me new insights into my own life.


From the depths of my suffering, I bare my soul, and share my epiphany regarding suffering, when I asked God, “What would you have me learn from this? How can I use it to help others?” This was the genesis of openly sharing my story with audiences. Later, it gave birth to Wrestling Depression Is Not for Wimps! I invite you to join me in my ongoing journey to health and wellness. My prayer is you will find hope, encouragement, and many nuggets of practical help from reading it.