Ashley Says:

I will never forget March 28, 2017, when the doctor told us that my fiancé, Troy, had Stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity. Oh, and by the way, it was a rare type of cancer with a 35% survival rate. We were devastated, especially because Troy just proposed to me on January 1, 2017! Instead of throwing an engagement party, we were going to start going through many rounds of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgeries.


Troy’s hospital was one and a half hours away, one way…so imagine having to drive up and down the highway every day. Exhausted and worried does not even begin to explain what I was feeling, so I cannot even begin to imagine how Troy felt. I never thought at the age of 31, I was going to have to be a caregiver! Not only a caregiver, but I was the sole breadwinner, housekeeper, and cook.

While helping Troy go through his treatments, I was also planning our wedding. Troy did NOT want to cancel the wedding, as the vision of seeing me walk down the aisle gave him the hope and motivation to overcome and beat cancer.