Tom answers questions from the community. Impact Theory is proudly sponsored by: Blinkist. Visit to try out the premium service completely free for 7 days! ButcherBox. Use the discount code: "IMPACT" at to get 20$ off and FREE BACON Skillshare. Start learning on Skillshare today at   BOOKS MENTIONED The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley: [29:24] PEOPLE MENTIONED Kevin Kelly Episode: [1:01] Tom’s Goalcast Episode: [15:55] QUESTION TOPICS Tom gives his take on traveling the world as a way to cultivate intrinsic growth [0:12] Tom’s process to get guests when he started Inside Quest [5:27] How you can pursue your passion and go against cultural pressure [8:08] Tom gives advice on how to ask for funding from investors [11:34] Should I focus on creating capital or creating value? [15:51] The process of finding a mentor and interning for them [18:11] Tom says who his favorite poet is [23:52] How to be a successful parent and follow your dreams at the same time [24:17] MISSING CARD How you can get rid of fear of the unknown [28:21] Tom explains his belief in a higher power [31:53] Is it better to pay off debt first or pay family and friends first? [35:02] Is getting a master degree 'just cause’ worth it? [36:30] Tom gives advice for someone looking to move to the U.S. [37:32] Tom explains why and when he gives out equity in his company [38:39]