#069: Melyssa came into conservation photography as so many of us do – from a different profession. When she discovered conservation photography, she got super fired up. And like so many of us, inside all of that excitement to learn and to become, she stumbled. She wasn't sure exactly how or if she would get back up.

Well, luckily, she is indeed finding her way back to her creative self, and the way that she is coming through this is incredible. Not only is her story amazing to listen to, but she's also developed a strategy and a set of tools that can guide any one of us who also stumbles, who also has all of that negative self-talk around creativity going on in our heads.

Get the full show notes + links at https://ConservationVisuals.com/69

🎓 Get the Mini-Course: 6 Must-Have Shots for a Photo Story

📸 QUIZ: What's your hidden visual storyteller personality?

🗺️ Guide to Conservation Photography