#059: Raise your hand if you have recently put your creative work on the back burner in favor of handling all the other things that need to get done during the day.

Yeah, I think we all should have our hands raised.

It is a common thing for photographers to struggle with prioritizing creative endeavors and to actually stick to the schedule.

Trust me, you are not alone. I've been right there with you.

It's a daily struggle, but because I am a total productivity and systems nerd I've experimented with a bunch of different strategies for making sure that creative time gets its fair share of calendar space and that I make progress on crafting the images, the stories, the content that I want to share with the world

Of those experiments, the strategy I'm sharing with you today has stood out as a clear winner. And I'm walking you through how you can implement it and make sure you always have time for creativity.

You'll Learn

How to use this tool on a weekly (or even daily!) basisThe mindset hack that helps you gain ground on projectsThe timer trick that changes everythingChallenges you're likely to face when implementing this tool (and how to overcome them)

Get the full show notes and my FREE downloadable day planner template at JaymiH.com/59

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