Located in West Africa between the Ivory Coast and Sierra Leon,  Liberia is one of the poorest countries on the planet.   


The Universal Outreach Community has been working in Liberia for over 20 years busy providing clean drinking water, developing new industries, building schools all to help create a more equitable world.  Today we speak to founders Kent Bubb’s and his son Kent Jr. along with his partner Landis Wyatt.


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This Episode is Sponsored by: 

·                     Surfrider Foundation : dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches. 

·                     The  Ocean Legacy -  Helping stop plastic waste from entering our ocean. 

Universal Outreach believes that education and economic development gives people the skills and opportunities they need to build the future they envision.

We take action by working with Liberians in West Africa, who are focused on creating a better future for themselves. We collaborate with people to identify economic opportunities and invest in educational pursuits to achieve these goals. 

This means we invest your donations into skills training programs, scholarships, business development programs, creative learning opportunities and support for niche industry development. In turn, Liberians have the chance to realize their goals, develop financial independence and create valuable niche industries that support the local economy.


Surf  Tourism at Robertsport:

The youth of Robertsport, Liberia want a better tomorrow. A tomorrow where fishing isn't their only option for employment. A tomorrow where they learn, grow and share their passion for the ocean with a global community.

Universal Outreach—in partnership with dedicated organizations, individuals and the Robertsport Surf Club—is embarking on an economic development initiative to create a hub for all surf and ocean-bound activities. Together, we can ensure sustainable surf tourism is a reality on the beaches and waves of this seaside community.

Help Us Take Action!  Liberia is one of the world's poorest countries, but you can help change this. Please give someone an opportunity to build their future by investing in our programs

Instagram: @universaloutreach

Facebook: @universaloutreach


Twitter: @UOutreach

Founder’s Bios:

Kent Bubbs Sr (Founder)

After starting his first business at the age of 15 and following with a dozen more over the ensuing 45 years, Kent has settled into doing what he loves most; working on behalf of the UOF community. His business administration education and entrepreneurship experiences led him to the creation of UOF, 20 years ago, under the business principles that made his companies successful.  This mandate has led to industry low operating expenses with all outside donations going into productive projects and programs. 


Kent Bubbs Jr (Exec. Director)

Kent has been working with UOF since 2008 and focuses his attention on strategic planning, program development and encouraging our community to help us fulfill Universal Outreach's vision for a better tomorrow.  His dedication to the concept of equality in the world is his motivation for creating programs that are accountable, transparent, efficient and effective. Kent has 14 years of experience in development work and holds certificates from the University of British Columbia in International Development and Project Management.


 Landis Wyatt (Board Chair).

 With over twenty years of marketing experience Landis uses her gifts for storytelling, photography and filmmaking to encourage people to give back to the world and see each other's successes as our own. After spending the past 15 years in Liberia, she fondly refers to it as home. Landis studied at the University of Regina and continued her education with courses in photography, graphic design, accounting and development work.