If you could capture the essence of Tyrell in one sentiment, it would be "a life lived in relentless pursuit of The Deep End".  Tyrell believes as humans, we are living at our best when navigating moments of euphoric flow and challenging adversity while in pursuit of a goal or dream we're passionate about. This is The Deep End of Life. Using this guiding framework, Tyrell has been coaching and supporting leaders, athletes, and teams with a holistic, long-term approach to Optimal Performance and Recovery for over 20 years. He is a former world-level multi-sport elite athlete and has spent the last decade in corporate executive leadership roles. In 2017, Tyrell founded The Human Performance Project, which equips and empowers leaders with a roadmap, compass, and toolkit to level up performance, growth, and impact in life. Tyrell lives on a fourth-generation family farm with his wife Natasha and their two beautiful daughters, Olia and Isabella where they are building a sauna & cold plunge wellness haven for individuals and groups to enjoy.  If you have written a book, produced a film, support a cause please provide link so listeners may purchase/view/donate.

The Wellness Den: https://rabbitholewellness.co/pages/the-wellness-den-cold-plunge-sauna-experience

The Human Performance Project: https://www.thehumanperformanceproject.com


Tyrell's Olympic Journey (video) Intro to Cold, Breath and Optimal Performance & Recovery Live Workshops The Deep End Mindset Framework (video) 

Next Steps

We have a handful of ongoing wellness experience events on the farm. 

Weekly CommunityDrop-Ins every Thursday  Monthly Optimal Performance Workshops If you're interested in a private booking or group workshop, please let me know, as we can coordinate dates together!



Tyrell is also providing a few more resources for those who want to dive deeper into the tools from our discussion today. 

1.    HubermanLab comprehensive podcast on Cold Exposure & Sauna 

2.    A GREAT article on the value of breath for athletes 

3.    The book "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker (Sleep was a popular discussion today)

4.    Hold your Breath - Great Netflix movie on "ice-diving" (for those fascinated or curious about the cold)

5.    A deep dive on the Vagus Nerve (see visual below). 


Tyrell Mara -Founder | Executive Leader

The Human Performance Project | Scoop Robotix- The Wellness Den

Emerge: 45-Day Resilience & Performance Program

Contact:  [email protected]

                #Humanperformance #TheWellnessDen #Coldplunge #Thepowerofheat #healing #Entrepreneursorganization #beingyourbest #thedeepend

                #Coldexposure #Whywesleep #VagusNerve #TheHumanPerformanceProject #pushyourlimit #limitless #nolimits