Our guest today is an engineer, entrepreneur and environmentalist who cares deeply about the impact of climate change on future generations.  Please welcome Scott Sinclair to IMPACT   If you like what we are doing please like, share and subscribe to IMPACT    This episode is sponsored by :  -     Hollyhock -  dedicated to helping create a better future via education and personal sharing.  www.hollyhock.ca   Scott Sinclair Started SES Consulting as a sole proprietorship, Scott has grown it into a unique small business that empowers our staff to practice innovative engineering to tackle the challenge of dramatically reducing emissions in our clients’ buildings. He draws on 25 years of experience in construction and consulting to find solutions that implement efficiency, comfort and occupant experience. Inspired by his adventures in nature while whitewater kayaking, backcountry skiing and mountain biking, Scott believes in a future where buildings have less impact on the Earth, while better serving the needs of people.  www.sesconsulting.com   SES is a values based, mission driven company. A business that inspires while making a difference, creates green jobs, and promotes a healthy economy – all while accelerating GHG emission reductions through energy conservation. SES is a certified B-Corporation, and we measure our success each year with more than just profit. Staff life balance, GHG emission reductions, and promoting innovation are part of our bottom line.   They have taken on the challenge of doing business better. Their big hairy audacious goal is to help our clients save 1 million tonnes of GHGs in a year. They are starting now by measuring impacts and setting team targets that will grow each year until we reach our goal; because business as usual isn’t enough.   #SESconsulting #makingadifference #globalwarming #Bcorp #innovation #entrepreneurship #entrepreneursorganization #hollyhock #socialventureinstitute  #heatpump #Telsla